Friday, March 16, 2007

The Black Mask for training melee

This is really just a way to highlight the benefit of using the Black Mask when training meele on Runescape. its just a topic created to fit in the melee combat training category.

Slayer is a good skill to train in fact most of my money has come from there so it makes sense to train slayer when you are training combat, I take a slayer task and the monster I get decides what style of attack I will use, without Kurasks and Turoth my range would be embarrassingly low its only 90 at the moment but I am training strengh for now.

The Black Mask spells are pointless so you can forget about them and concentrate on the other benefits, you hit better with the Black Mask you hit harder and more often, for example when attacking Abyssal Demons I can hit 29 with a D scimmy at current level 97 strength this is fully potted and for a small while after, when I wear the Black Mask I can hit 35 with the scimmy.

This is a lot of difference and you can imagine how much quicker slayer tasks are completed and the extra xp for killing the monsters and getting on to new ones, you get combat xp, hp xp and slayer xp all in one go and extra fast.

I have always been one for making the most of my training times and this combination works well for me.

The Black Mask only benefits when training slayer.

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